Episode 18

Phill was in his cousin’s house arranging his clothes in a suitcase.

This cousin of his is one that is very contended with what he has, if not phil couldn’t have even visited him. A phone call would be enough. He had heard a lot of stories about things that had been been happening in the city. Brother using bro fro rituals, mother using son and even now that he was rich, kidnapping would come into play.

Phil had earlier received a call from his king(yeah he has a samsung galaxy note) informing him to return that very day that he would like them to do something early the next morning.


Phil arrived the palace and the king reminded him about something concerning dave and that early the next morning they would adrress it.


Now, the morning has arrived and the king, his daughters and some maids were in the throne room, including phil, all waiting for dave that had been sent for.

The king ordered that the lights be turn off and the throne room was now very dark and silent as well.

-back to dave-
Dave got up, went to wash his face and eyes to ensure he doesn’t fall asleep while with the king again.

When he was done, he headed straight for the throne room. What he got there surprised him. Everywhere was dark and dead silent.
β€œwhere has my king gone to”? Dave asked himself out loud.

Just then the light turned on and what dave saw really surprised him. What he heard afterwards was capable of killing him.

What happened next?

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