Episode 27

I clicked on our chat screen and started scrolling all the way back to our first conversation. I would’ve laughed again at some silly messages I saw from him if I wasn’t going through a tough phase of my life at the moment. After taking my time to go through our chat log from the most recent conversation to the very beginning of it all, I came across a particular discussion we both had that touched my heart again beyond what mere words can express.

  • Quick Flashback •
    “Tunde, I’m about to go to bed, but before I go, can I ask you something?”
    What was I doing? Oh no! This wasn’t proper at all.

“Sure, you can. I’m all eyes!”
It was too late to cancel the action. I had crossed the line already, and by doing so, I had to face the consequences of my own action. I had to proceed, despite the loud voices in my head begging me not to do it. I just had to.

“Tunde, I want you to pay adequate attention to what I’m about to explain right now. Okay?”

“Like I said, I’m all eyes, beautiful.”
On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t do it after all. Or maybe –

Maybe –
Then it clicked right then. I had an idea. Maybe I should twist the story in another way in order to avoid any form of disappointment for the both of us. Yes, that was a better alternative. I liked it.
“So, Tunde, there’s this good friend of mine who has health issues.” I started typing, taking my time to forge a different untrue story. A story that was meant to be mine but was being twisted, framed and shaped into someone else’s story. I knew I was definitely fabricating lies, but at this point in time, I was left with no other choice than this one. So I continued typing as my heart bled from within:
“This friend of mine is actually a lady in her 40s. She lost her legs by an accident at a very tender age and ever since then, she has been surviving on wheelchairs and crutches. Every guy she meets online turns out to be great at first, but when she tells them about her disability or they get to find out about it by themselves, they always dump her as if she isn’t a human being who deserves to love and be loved. She has faced so many rejections from outsiders and even close relatives, so she’s gotten used to it all. She doesn’t cry anymore when people abandon her. She’s gotten strong over time, and she believes that no matter what happens in her life, the Almighty God is always in control. To cut the long story short, I just want to ask you one question.”

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